100 S Jefferson Rd, Whippany, NJ 07981
Tel: 973-971-0770

Getting Started
We offer individual evaluations and treatment for pediatric occupational, physical and speech therapy in a fun and comfortable environment.
We evaluate and treat a variety of individuals with sensory, neurological, genetic, developmental, and psychological disorders Some diagnoses include: attention deficit disorder, hypotonia, cerebral palsy, prader-willi syndrome, learning disabilities, autistic spectrum disorders and gross motor coordination disorders.
Springboard's unique intake process ensures a personalized occupational therapy experience for your child.
Initial Inquiry
​​When you email or call Springboard Therapy, someone will get back to you to set up an initial intake that will occur over the phone.
Intake (up to 30 minutes)
Up to 30 minutes – an occupational therapist will contact you at your pre-arranged time to discuss your concerns and give you the opportunity to decide if an evaluation is appropriate.
Evaluation (between 2-6 hours)
Depending on the needs of each child, we will assess all or part of the following areas:
Sensory processing and integration
Gross and fine motor skills
Praxis and motor planning
Coordination (eye-hand and whole body)
Visual perceptual and visual motor development
Postural skills
Our evaluations are customized to your child and may include standardized testing for sensory integration (SIPT), gross and fine motor skills, postural skills, visual perceptual and visual motor skills, as well as a variety of non-standardized tools that will give us information regarding your child's level of functioning and skills. Evaluations are scheduled for weekday mornings and require 2-6 hours to complete over 1 or 2 days.
Conference (1 hour)
Within 2-4 weeks after your initial evaluation date, you will meet with your evaluating therapist. You will be given your written evaluation, have the opportunity to go over it with the evaluating therapist and ask questions regarding your child's results.
Recommendations for therapy and/or related professionals may be made. If therapy is recommended for your child, a collaborative treatment plan with your input will be created as well as suggestions for assisting your child at home and at school.
Springboard Pediatric Therapy provides individual therapy services all year and intensive therapy services in the summer for our clients. Consultation services are also available.
Still Not Sure?
Visit WebOT4Kids and their $35 screening can help you decide if a full evaluation is needed. Then if you decide to come back, the $35 from the screening will be deducted from the cost of the full evaluation.